My love for researching Australian history with the assistance of the most heartening employees in Libraries, Archives, Museums, Record Offices and Hydrographic Departments of both the United Kingdom and Australia, has resulted in the launching of three fabulous publications for all lovers of Australian History.
1. Charles Robbins RN 1782-1805
The first, "Charles Robbins RN 1782-1805, His Place in Maritime History" was published for the Tasmanian Bicentennial Celebrations in 2004.
Robbins was only 22 years of age when, as Master of HM Armed Cutter Integrity, he charted the northern shores of Tasmania, discovering Robbins Island. He was mysteriously lost at sea in 1805 while on a mission for Governor King. His is a fascinating story that discloses many unknown facts about our early Colonial History and the courage of our young hero.
A captivating book in hard cover and signed. A fabulous gift.
2. Taking Possession, A Saga of the Great South Land
The second, "Taking Possession, A Saga of the Great South Land" was launched at the Palindrome Festival, Glenelg, South Australia in 2007. From the mysterious depths of evolution to the discovery by the first Australians, to the arrival of settlers from the far side of the earth, this remarkable saga captures the spirit of our generous land. Superb illustrations of previously unpublished charts and first Colonial Vessels complete this wonderful history. It is a book to treasure!
A magnificent publication, superbly illustrated by Maritime Artist, John Sheard Grafton..
We also have a limited edition which features gold leaf pages, 100 numbered copies and a leatherlike cover. The book is signed, boxed and is sure to be a collectors edition!
And the spirits of our fathers find peace, in the sacred valleys of sun;
The long sea roving is over, the shores have been charted and drawn;
One people, One land the moon birds call as they fly to embrace the dawn!'
4. My First Story for Children:
My first publication for children -"The Secret on the Loona Rosa," is a story that really happened! .
The story describes an exciting adventure that is illustrated with bright colours and fantastic pictures that I drafted for the illustrator. Young and old will thrill as they read of the adventures of Homer, a lost champion racing pigeon. Homer finds a secret refuge on the Oil Drill Ship Loona Rosa far out in the Pacific Ocean before he flies home to his roof top loft and his friends in the great land of China!